Part of the Oxford Instruments Group

Examination of Interconnects in Semiconductor Device

STEM-EDS analysis of a thin lamellae of Cu interconnects can be used to achieve better spatial resolution, in a reasonable time-frame, when EDS data is collected using a large sensor area EDS detector. The STEM approach can be used to optimise deposition methods, to assess uniformity and chemistry of the deposited ultra-thin film on the dielectric layer. This approach can also be helpful in reverse engineering, patent infringement cases or general R&D, Q&C in the semiconductor industry.

By downloading this application note, you will learn how:

  • High resolution STEM-EDS analysis of a thin lamellae The detection and analysis of oxide in steel wire for use in cords best addressed with a scanning electron microscope (SEM) equipped with Energy Dispersive X-ray Spectrometry (EDS)
  • This method can reveal if there are any problems during manufacturing of the device and which step could be problematic
  • This method can help you in reverse engineering, patent infringement cases or general R&D, Q&C in the semiconductor industry
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