What is BEX?
This short article explains the fundamental principle of BEX and how it is able to make it easier than ever before to image and analyse an entire sample in minutes, and so change the way SEM is used.
BEX vs EDS, what's the difference
This article looks at the relationship between BEX imaging and EDS mapping in more depth, explaining the additional analytical power that BEX brings to SEM.
The BEX Library
A collection of application notes, blog posts and other reading materials, together illustrating, in different ways and on different samples, the power of BEX as an analytical technique on SEM.
Unity in Action
A collection of short videos demonstrating how BEX is pushing the boundaries of microanalysis in the SEM.
BEX - The Long View
On-demand webinars which discuss in detail the BEX imaging technique & Unity detector, the science behind them and how they can bring your analysis in SEM to new levels not previously achievable.
Unity BEX Imaging Detector
Learn about the Unity BEX detector, including its unique design and how it enables BEX detection, and see the remarkable quality resolution of the imaging made possible with a wide variety of sample types.