OmniProbeOmniProbe CryoSoftware
AZtec3DAZtecFeatureAZtec LayerProbeTEM
EDSUltim MaxXplore for TEMImaging
TEM CamerasSoftware
AZtec3D provides an interface which allows simultaneous EDS and EBSD data acquisition & analysis to be initiated from outside of AZtec. This allows the analysis to be combined with automated processes, such as the milling capabilities of a FIB-SEM via the FIB-SEM 3D software module.
Superior data quality, combining Tru-I® and Tru-Q® in 3D
Optimised data acquisition using superfast EBSD detectors and large area SDD EDS detectors
AZtec AutoLock Drift Correction to correct for sample drift
Simple setup for simultaneous EDS & EBSD data acquisition
Observe the EDS & EBSD map data slice by slice as it is collected
AZtec3D provides an interface which allows simultaneous EDS and EBSD data acquisition & analysis to be initiated from outside of AZtec. This allows the analysis to be combined with automated processes, such as the milling capabilities of a FIB-SEM via the FIB-SEM 3D software module.