OmniProbeOmniProbe CryoSoftware
AZtec3DAZtecFeatureAZtec LayerProbeTEM
EDSUltim MaxXplore for TEMImaging
TEM CamerasSoftware
Direct electron has transformed the field of electron microscopy, starting with Biological Cryo-EM and now Material Science TEM/STEM.
However, not all direct detectors are created equal. Direct Electron's pioneering and award-winning Direct Detection Device (DDD®) technology uses more sophisticated pixel design than other direct detection cameras, delivering lower noise, better sensitivity, higher speed and expanded versatility. The cameras also deliver full-speed movies to users to enable motion correction, dose filtering, in situ imaging, 4D-STEM data collection, and more.
A revolutionary event-based direct detection camera that delivers electron counting in hardware, Apollo is the highest throughput direct detector for cryo-EM.
With high sensitivity and excellent resolution, the DE-DirectView offers cost-effective direct detection for biological and material science applications.
The DE-16 features 6.5μm pixels optimized for superior resolution (MTF) over a broad range of magnifications and exposure rates and boasts a 4k x 4k field-of-view.
The DE-64 is the world’s first and only true 8k × 8k direct detector with the widest field of view of any direct detector. Ideal for cryo-EM of very large viruses or cellular tomography.
Celeritas, a revolutionary new direct detection camera for four-dimensional scanning transmission electron microscopy (4D STEM). Based on a next-generation direct detection sensor, Celeritas far exceeds the frame rate of other 4D STEM detectors while also delivering at least four times more pixels and exceptional image quality.
Thank you for your interest in advanced TEM cameras manufactured by Direct Electron. Oxford Instruments distributes Direct Electron products in Europe, Middle East, Africa and India. If your country is not included in the dropdown list, you are located outside the region supported by Oxford Instruments. Please contact Direct Electron on with details of your enquiry or visit