Part of the Oxford Instruments Group


AZtecLiveOne software platform is the ideal solution for carrying out a complex task like EDS as quickly and as easily as possible. No need for substantial training or advanced knowledge of the EDS technique. Users can be trained in a matter of minutes and will have complete confidence in their results.

  • Easy and intuitive
  • Accurate and dependable
  • Fast and productive
  • Ideal for multi-user labs

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AZtecLiveOne includes all the tools required to help you quickly analyse and characterise your sample with confidence and ease. Tools such as ’AZtecLive chemical imaging’, ‘Spectrum Acquisition’, ‘X-Ray Mapping’ and ‘LineScanning’ ensure you can determine what elements are present in your sample and how they are distributed.  Unique tools such as Tru-QTM ensure that elements are automatically identified and quantified to new levels of accuracy

When combined with Xplore 30 becomes a system solution ideal for general analysis in the SEM.

Easy and intuitive

  • With AZtecLiveOne users have all the necessary tools at hand to complete the task quickly and with ease.
  • Streamlined interface minimises the number of steps to get a result
  • New users can be productive in a matter of minutes
  • No need for the infrequent user to be retrained every time they need to perform an analysis


Accurate and dependable

  • AZtecLiveOne works hard behind the scenes so users don’t have to worry about pulse pile-ups, overlapping peaks and other potential artefacts.
  • Tru-QTM technology ensures that users can depend on the elements being automatically detected and that the correct results are being reported
  • TruMap (option) ensures that the real data distribution is shown on X-ray maps and LineScans


Fast and productive

  • AZtecLiveOne focuses on getting results out as quickly as possible: rapid set-up, real-time results display, reports just a click of a button away
  • AZtecLive Chemical imaging enables you to quickly roam around your sample while getting instant feedback in the form of live electron image, live X-Ray maps and Live automatically labelled spectrum
  • From image to report in seconds
  • Fully interactive during acquisition
  • During acquisition, users can interact with data in the current or stored projects
  • Quick and straightforward report generation
  • Choose components (maps, spectra, linescans) required in the report and AZtecLiveOne does the rest

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Xplore & AZtecLiveOne

Bringing you power with simplicity. The combination of the market-leading AZtecLive EDS software with the compact Xplore 30 EDS detector delivers a system solution for your entry-level SEM requirements.


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