How to analyse nanoparticles using EDS in the SEM
Nanoparticles are a key ingredient in many industrialised products. Characterising their key parameters (size, composition…etc) is essential to understand their behaviour, performance and risk to the environment and human health. In this application note, discover how to analyse nanoparticles in the SEM using low kV EDS and understand what key aspects are needed to have a successful analysis (sample preparation, windowless EDS detector for low kV analysis, drift correction…etc). As an example, the analysis of titanium dioxide and zinc oxide nanoparticles, widely used in cosmetics and food products, is presented.
By downloading this application note, you will learn:
- The challenges (i.e. low emission of x rays) and solutions of nanoparticle analysis using EDS
- The windowless Ultim Extreme EDS detector is dedicated to low voltage analysis and is well suited for nanoparticles
- How with the latest hardware and software development in the EDS technique and the improvement in high-resolution SEM performance at low kV. It is possible to perform low kV EDS analysis with high quality on studying nanoparticles
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