Part of the Oxford Instruments Group

Developing Multi-Scale Understanding of Geological Materials with Unity

Using the new BEX technique, a section of a seafloor Mn nodule was analysis at the micro- and macro-level at previously unachievable speeds in an SEM. Unity, the world's first BEX detector, captures both BSE and X-ray data simultaneously. Elemental maps are acquired in real time, as the sample is navigated. We show how easily and quickly we gain an understanding of our sample’s composition.

We then move to large area acquisition to allow a detailed appreciation of the macrostructure. In only 3 hr 26 min, 1288 fields ae acquired at a magnification of 395x, performance previously unattainable on SEM.

By downloading this application note, you will learn how:

  •  How BEX allows rapid understanding of compositional variations in a sample
  •  The extraordinary speed at which whole sample surfaces can be mapped using BEX
  •  How Unity is enabling previously unattainable analytical performance on a SEM
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