Part of the Oxford Instruments Group

WDS quantitative analysis of alloy elements in 3D printing Nb powder particles

The AZtecWave system was used for analysis of Nb-based alloy powder used in 3D printing. The nominal concentration of Mo is 2 wt.%, the sample also contains trace amounts of Zr. Challenges with this analysis is that the Mo Lα and Zr Lα lines are strongly interfered by the matrix Nb Lα line. The system combines the rapid analysis with EDS together with the accurate quantification enabled by WDS.

By downloading this application note, you will learn how:

  • To achieve best quantitative results using WDS
  • To analyse challenging spectral overlaps and trace elements
  • Quantitative analysis of alloy powders used in 3D printing
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Characterising Extreme Deformation - app note cover