EBSD of Industrial Materials after Specimen Preparation using Broad Beam Ion Milling
Electron Backscatter Diffraction (EBSD) is a scanning electron microscope (SEM) based technique that is increasingly applied to materials microstructural characterisation, as a tool for routine research and development work, as well as for industrial quality and process control.
EBSD is a surface technique, where electron diffraction occurs within a few tens of nanometres of the specimen surface. Any residual surface deformation or reaction product layers from standard specimen preparation techniques are detrimental for EBSD pattern generation. Hence, excellent specimen preparation is key to successful materials characterisation using EBSD.
By downloading this application note you will see:
- How Broad Beam Ion Milling can be used to produce improved quality of data from aluminium, zirconium, magnesium, titanium alloys and galvanized zinc coatings which are usually difficult to prepare by mechanical routes only
*Please note, this application note refers to NordlysNano & NordlysMax, these have since been upgraded to Symmetry S3.
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