Microstructure characterisation in metal powders by EBSD
Many of the physical properties of metal powders, such as powder densification and strain hardening, are strongly dependent on the materials properties of the individual particles. Therefore, the microstructural characterisation of metal powders, providing information about particle grain size, texture and deformation, is of paramount importance yet is significantly lacking in the field of additive manufacturing.
SEM based electron backscattered diffraction (EBSD) is a fast, automated technique that provides information about the crystallographic orientation and phase on the surface of a sample with sub-micrometre resolution. Unlike other characterisation techniques, EBSD provides statistically-relevant data from large areas on the sample surface but also enables detailed spatially-resolved variations to be observed.
By downloading this application note, you will learn how:
- EBSD can be used to effectively characterise the microstructure of metal powders in a matter of minutes
- EBSD data provides detailed information on a multitude of microstructural parameters, including grain size and plastic strain
- Accurate grain characterisation helps researchers to understand better the microstructural processes active during powder development
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