Rapid Classification of Advanced High Strength Steels using EBSD
Quenching and Partitioning (Q&P) processed steels are an example of the latest generation of advanced high strength steels that are helping automotive manufacturers reduce the weight of cars, thus lowering their carbon footprint. However, the mechanical properties of these steels are closely linked to the phase distribution on the microstructural scale. These phases, including retained austenite, ferrite, and both primary and secondary martensite, can be challenging to measure accurately using EBSD as some of them are crystallographically similar.
In this application note, the speed and sensitivity of the Symmetry S3 EBSD detector enables high speed, effective characterisation in a matter of minutes but the key to determining the correct phase fraction is the AZtecCrystal Classify tool, which uses machine-learning to partition microstructures into constituent classes based on a range of microstructural parameters.
By downloading this application note you will see:
- High-speed EBSD analyses of complex steel microstructures using Symmetry S3
- Effective phase classification in Q&P-processed steels using AZtecCrystal
- How phase fractions can determine the mechanical properties of high strength steels
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