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1st April 2019 | Author: Zoe Jackson
The AutoPhaseMap module of AZtec® finds different characteristic composition from X-ray map data, and determines the distribution, area, constituent elements and composition of each of these areas or phases. This technique can determine the modal percentages of different minerals in an igneous rock, and thus classify its type – but most importantly, the maps produced allow for some great cloud watching, or more appropriately: rock watching.
Area 1 shows high concentrations of ghost activity across plagioclase and pyroxene boundaries. Further areas show a struggling artist’s interpretation of pain in a modern era amongst the quartz and K-feldspar (area 3), and what we believe to be a sneeze in area 4.
A cool, calm and collected dog in sunglasses is clearly identifiable typing in area 2, in great contrast to the angry and elusive purple penguin found in the bottom left corner of area 3 hidden near the pyroxene - only when you get your face very close, and your eyes get very squinty. The final area for analysis has been described by the critics as the greatest, most innovative piece of its era – a 5-year old’s reimagining of the trials of bath time, retold using an existentialistic and abstract form with differences in phases and phase abundance.
Just kidding, Happy April Fools! To actually learn more about the capabilities of AZtec for rock classification and more, view our related application notes or see our latest AZtecLive in action on our showcase page. Be sure to comment below and let us know which interesting shapes you’ve seen in your own research.
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