OmniProbeOmniProbe CryoSoftware
AZtec3DAZtecFeatureAZtec LayerProbeTEM
EDSUltim MaxXplore for TEMImaging
TEM CamerasSoftware
If you have a number of operators to train or want to set your system up for a specific application, it can be more efficient to order a customised on-site training course. Not only does this afford you savings in terms of travel and time, but it also means that you and your staff will receive dedicated training on your equipment in your own laboratories.
Our qualified Applications Experts will ensure that all of your operators know how to use the system to deliver the best results that you need. At the same time, they will help to configure your system and customise it for the application you require. This will enable you to immediately start to see dividends by ensuring you have the most accurate results quickly and easily.
Contact your local support organisation for more information.