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Electron backscatter diffraction (EBSD) is a well-established SEM technique for the measurement of crystallographic orientations and for determining phase assemblages and distribution. EBSD data can be processed to reveal many of the important microstructural characteristics in materials, including grain size, texture, strain and boundary types. However, limitations in the angular precision of the technique have, until now, limited its ability to deconvolve phases with similar unit cell structures.
In the past few years there has been significant development in the simulation of the diffraction patterns generated using the EBSD technique and the subsequent use of these simulations to improve indexing and to extract additional information from EBSD datasets. These pattern matching methods have resulted in marked improvements to the angular precision of orientation measurements (to 0.01° or better), enabling better definition of phases with only small differences in lattice parameter ratios.
In Oxford Instruments’ AZtecCrystal EBSD data processing software, we have now implemented a range of novel, high-end pattern simulation and matching tools. “MapSweeper” is ideal for the processing of EBSD patterns from many samples, such as geological samples containing many phases and for determining Martensitic ratios in steels.
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Mark Coleman is the EBSD product manager at Oxford Instruments NanoAnalysis. He holds a PhD from Swansea University, focusing o...