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AZtecWave combines the unique power of WDS to resolve X-ray peaks and quantify minor and trace elements with the speed and flexibility of EDS. EDS and WDS operation are fully integrated into the AZtec software, guaranteeing maximum accessibility to users with all levels of expertise and the most accurate results with Tru-Q® processing technology.
For occasional users, dedicated workflows in AZtec use new technologies, that take live EDS and microscope analytical settings to automatically set up the acquisition, ensuring optimum efficiency and quality of results for all.
AZtecWave uses the Wave WDS spectrometer, which has the highest spectral resolution available for SEM, to ensure more peak overlaps can be resolved and lower detection limits can be achieved. Ultim® Max large area EDS detectors work at high count rates to give the accurate results required for a complete picture of sample composition. Therefore, when microanalysis is at its most challenging, AZtec Wave provides accurate answers, fast.
Using AZtecWave these challenges can now be solved in many application areas, such as materials science, semiconductor and electronics, geology, forensics, and power generation/storage.
The speakers will show examples of how AZtecWave can accurately measure elemental compositions when EDS on its own cannot provide a suitable answer.
You will learn how:
On Demand
Duration:1 hour
Dr Simon Burgess graduated with a PhD from Edinburgh University. He joined Oxford Instruments in 1997 and has always worked wit...