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Transmission Kikuchi Diffraction (TKD) is an Electron Backscatter Diffraction technique that is capable of characterising phase and orientation information for nano-structured materials. Keller and Geiss obtained the first data over a decade ago. Since then, the technique has evolved and become commonly used as a solution for improving spatial resolution when the limits of conventional EBSD are reached.
TKD analysis is done using an electron transparent sample, and the diffraction signal is generated from the lower side of the sample, resulting in a different setup compared to conventional EBSD. The early TKD work was done using conventional EBSD hardware and software, which required improvements of band detection and indexing routines to deal with distortions and broader bands in the diffraction pattern.
In this tutorial, we explain how TKD analysis can be improved using the Near Axis TKD (NA-TKD) solution, which introduces a new geometry and new detector hardware. We also cover the differences compared to conventional TKD, the benefits added by this solution and how it can extend the capabilities of your CMOS EBSD system.
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Duration:60 mins
Kim Larsen joined HKL Technology A/S in January 2004. The company was acquired by Oxford Instruments in the following year. Thr...
Mark Coleman is the EBSD product manager at Oxford Instruments NanoAnalysis. He holds a PhD from Swansea University, focusing o...