EBSD and EDS Characterisation of high entropy alloys
A high entropy alloy, Al8Co17Cr17Cu8Fe17Ni33, has been developed from an equiatomic AlCoCrCuFeNi alloy. Due to its promising properties, such as high corrosion and oxidation resistance and high thermal stability, it is a candidate for various applications at elevated temperature as, e.g., furnace parts, tools and moulds. The exploration of new metallic systems for high-temperature applications is an important challenge in today’s materials science.
However, an increase in the strength of this alloy is desirable and requires further optimization. In order to improve these mechanical properties, knowledge of the microstructure is necessary. Therefore, Al8Co17Cr17Cu8Fe17Ni33 high entropy alloy has been studied by means of energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDS) and electron backscatter diffraction (EBSD).
By downloading this application note you will see:
- How correlative imaging, as well as EBSD and EDS analysis in scanning electron microscopy on identical specimen positions, may reveal the microstructural properties and elemental distributions in a high entropy alloy.
*Please note, this application note refers to X-Max & NordlysNano, these have since been replaced with Ultim Max & Symmetry S3 respectively
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