Quantifying Metal Cleanliness - boride and nitride non-metallic inclusions
In the past, characterising non-metallic inclusions and precipitates in steels and other alloys, especially for light elements such as boron, has presented a challenge. However, AZtecFeature, in combination with a high solid angle windowless EDS detector such as X-Max Extreme and a conventional large area detector provides exciting, novel capabilities.
Impurity and alloying elements are present in virtually all metals and alloys employed for structural use. They may be added intentionally to enhance desirable properties or be present as contaminants and detrimental to materials properties. If the average content of an impurity exceeds its solubility in the matrix it will often form precipitates or inclusions, often by combining with other impurities or with one of the main constituents. AZtecSteel and AZtecFeature detect and analyse inclusions and precipitates automatically over large areas. Based on the composition measured from the EDS spectrum and the morphology determined from the electron image, each inclusion can be automatically categorised or ‘classified’...
*Please note, this application note refers to X-Max & X-Max Extreme. These have since been upgraded to Ultim Max & Ultim Extreme.
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