OmniProbeOmniProbe CryoSoftware
AZtec3DAZtecFeatureAZtec LayerProbeTEM
EDSUltim MaxXplore for TEMImaging
TEM CamerasSoftware
AZtecFeature is the world-leading particle analysis solution for SEM. Using a combination of smart approaches, our latest release includes our FeatureExpress upgrade to combine the highest levels of throughput with accuracy; giving the high-quality results that analysts need in a wide range of particle analysis applications.
Easy to Use
Fast and Powerful
Choice of detectors to suit budget and needs
Easy to Use
Automated feature and particle analysis has never been so easy! Basic particle sizing is available immediately: click on one particle and others in a similar grey level will be automatically detected and their morphology displayed.
As AZtecFeature is fully integrated with the rest of the AZtec Suite; adding chemical data could not be easier...
Going from single field analysis to acquiring data over a large area of a specimen or even several specimens is easy:
As soon as data from a particle is acquired, it is added to a customisable list displaying morphological and compositional measurements and particle classifications.
Unlike light-optical methods, AZtecFeature classifies particles and features not only by size and shape but also by their chemical composition, including any combination of these parameters.
The extra dimension provided by compositional analysis creates certainty as to the origin and impact of identified particles on materials properties or an industrial process. It opens up applications in R&D and industrial process control such as:
Rare particle detection
AZtecFeature is ideally suited to rapidly find rare features or particles of interest, solving so-called ‘needle in a haystack’ problems.
By processing the electron image, candidate features can be identified rapidly and their chemistry confirmed by EDS. This technique is widely used in crime forensics to identify gunshot residue and for identifying precious metals in ore samples. It can cut the analysis time from hours to minutes and free up the operator’s time.
AZtec offers the automated acquisition of large area X-ray maps which are used to reveal nanoscale features distributed over large areas. AZtecFeature is used to extract X-ray data from large area maps comprising tens of gigabytes of data. By intelligently combining the information from electron images and X-ray mapping data, AZtecFeature is an effective data mining tool to analyse large sets of analytical data.
Automated mineralogy - AZtecMineral
The most advanced and cost-effective automated mineralogy system on the market.
Find out more here: AZtecMineral
The GSR module adds dedicated setups for crime forensics and gunshot residue analysis. It enables particle classification and reporting according to ASTM 1588-20.
Find out more here: AZtecGSR
Analyse inclusions in steels, tyre cords and powder metallurgy...
Find out more here: AZtecSteel
Cleanliness in Battery Manufacture - AztecBattery
Analyse the powders used in the manufacture of Li-ion batteries for the presence of contaminants
Find out more here: AZtecBattery
Technical Cleanliness in Automotive Manufacture - AZtecClean
Analyse technical cleanliness samples in automotive manufacture and report results to ISO16232 or VDA 19.
Find out more here: AZtecClean
Quality Control for Additive Manufacturing Powders - AZtecAM
Analyse metal powders before and after use to maintain quality in your additive manufacturing.
Find out more here: AZtecAM
Advanced characterisation
The integration of AZtecFeature with the other modules in the AZtec nanoanalysis suite enables seamless transitions between different techniques and sensors.
For example, if a particle or grain of specific interest is identified during an automated run, it can be relocated and an X-ray or EBSD map acquired in seconds. The advanced AZtec TruMap and TruPhase functionality correct for overlaps and background variations in EDS data and identify phases unambiguously by combining EBSD and EDS data. Alternatively, WDS can be used to determine trace element concentrations or to resolve complex overlaps.
Integration enables:
AZtecFeature works best with Oxford Instruments’ Ultim Max SDDs which come in a range of sizes to suit budget and application – 40 mm2 for basic microanalysis up to an astounding 170 mm2 for advanced nanoanalysis.
All Ultim Max detectors provide:
For applications that do not demand the full Ultim Max performance, Xplore is available. It is a fully quantitative 10 mm2 SDD with excellent performance at low and high count rates.
When used in automated process control, adding one or more extra detectors can significantly enhance the sample throughput.
For challenging applications, where very small particles or particles on beam sensitive substrates are being analysed, traditional, high energy (e.g. 20kV) analysis may not be an option. In such cases multiple detectors can provide an effective solution to enhance the collection efficiency so that particle detection can progress rapidly. For samples where particle size varies significantly, shadowing of smaller particles by larger particles can be a significant issue when only one detector is used. Having at least two detectors mounted on opposing ports can overcome these shadowing effects.
A multiple detector system not only achieves faster sample throughput, it also reduces the effect of shadowing.
Approx View time: 5 minutes
This application note explains to new users how to set up their tools to extract data from the H5OINA file using one of the more popular programming languages among scientists, Python.
This application note considers the use of AZtecAM, an automated system developed specifically for the rapid analysis and classification of AM powders, using an energy dispersive X-ray spectrometry (EDS) system in the scanning electron microscope (SEM). for the routine characterisation of gas atomised high-purity copper powders. It demonstrates how particles across the population can be assessed and how contamination can be easily detected and classified.
This application note demonstrates a SEM based solution combined with EDS for the detection and characterisation of contamination on two PCB samples in the analysis of the failures of PCBs.
Optimising and controlling the cathode material is one of the important areas for current Li-ion battery technology. This application note demonstrates a simple and automated method which does not rely on operator expertise - using a Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM) equipped with Energy Dispersive X-ray Spectroscopy (EDS) to determine the composition of powder particles used for Li-ion battery cathodes.
The manual characterisation of cut sections of geological materials can be a laborious, time consuming process which can be very subjective. AZtecFeature, used in conjunction with large area X MaxN SDDs can automate this process enabling complex mineralogies to be characterised quickly and accurately.
Gunshot residue (GSR) is produced from the condensation of the vapour cloud which is generated from the primer and propellant when a bullet is fired from a gun. The condensing vapour from the primer will form particles which are typically spherical and range from potentially less than 0.5 μm up to significantly larger sizes...
Here we consider AZtecFeature in the context of engine wear monitoring, geology and air cleanliness and pollution. We discuss how key improvements in AZtecFeature in combination with recent advances in EDS detector hardware make it a compelling proposition for a much wider group of researchers and practitioners in industry and academia.
This application note demonstrates how AZtecSteel, an industry-leading, dedicated particle analysis solution for the analysis of non-metallic inclusions can characterise inclusions in different types of steels to the requirements of multiple international standards.
Here we consider the use of SEM equipped with EDS and dedicated particle analysis software AZtecSteel for the complete characterisation of 5 steels. We demonstrate how inclusions across the population can be assessed and how they can be classified across the sample.
Particles in powder samples come in all shapes, sizes and compositions, and the requirements for their analysis and characterisation can be just as varied. Particle analysis tasks may require only morphological measurements from a single field of view or could require the combination of morphological and chemical data from many thousands of particles from a large sample area.
AZtecFeature is an innovative system for particle analysis in the SEM. It is specifically optimised for usability and high-speed throughput. This 12 page brochure gives an overview of the system.
Lithium Ion batteries are found in most mobile electronic devices (e.g. laptop computers, phones etc). They are the dominant battery technology due to their superior energy to weight ratio and lack of memory effect. They are also the primary battery type used in the latest generation of electric and hybrid cars.
New and existing materials for lithium ion batteries are being studied extensively with the aim of increasing their storage capacity and lifetime. While the SEM is an important tool in the study of these materials, characterising the distribution of Li still remains one of the main challenges.
The technical cleanliness of components is crucial to their performance in finished products. As such, the assessment of the level of cleanliness of components is applicable in a wide range of industries, e.g. any involving the manufacture of mechanical devices such as the automotive industry. A typical example of such a component is ball bearings which are at the heart of almost every product with a rotating shaft.
Combining electron backscatter diffraction (EBSD) and energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDS) techniques for geological sample characterisation, helps to unlock even more information on the likely formation and history of the sample.
Li-ion batteries have been a key enabling technology over the last decade and are vital to further developments of EVs (Electrical Vehicles). Controlling the cleanliness of the raw materials is critical for ensuring the safety of the batteries. Automated analysis makes it fast and easy to identify contaminants and where the contaminants are being introduced.
Improvements in Energy Dispersive X-ray Spectroscopy (EDS) hardware (detector and pulse processing electronics) and software over the last decade have delivered many advances in terms of data quality, acquisition speed and ease of use.
Investigate the streamlined process through the dedicated AZtecAM software recipe, for complete characterisation of all aspects of metal powders used in additive manufacturing. Ensure the characterisation, particle morphology and individual particle characterisation.
The automated analysis of asbestos by scanning electron microscope (SEM) and energy dispersive X-ray spectrometry (EDS) is a powerful technique that enables the quantity, composition, and morphology of suspected asbestos fibres to be quickly measured.
In the past, characterising non-metallic inclusions and precipitates in steels and other alloys, especially for light elements such as boron, has presented a challenge. However, AZtecFeature, in combination with a high solid angle windowless EDS detector such as X-Max Extreme and a conventional large area detector provides exciting, novel capabilities.